Static Source Code Security Analysis
Out of 64 real events, 86 percent of online attacks are done on applications while only 11 percent of security expenditure is allotted for application strengthening. This is according to a recent research performed by 7Safe. Application firewalls slightly protect applications. Vulnerability detection and other methods that run attacks on existing applications cannot determine all the issues or show how to address them. Static Application Security Testing should be viewed as a mandatory practice for all IT organizations procuring or developing applications, according to Gartner’s 2011 Magic Quadrant for SAST.
Static Code Analysis – What is It?
Also known as Source Code Analysis, Static Code Analysis is usually done as part of white-box testing or Code Review. It’s performed at the Security Development Lifecycle’s implementation phase. Static Code Analysis usually pertains to the running of SCA tools that try to underline possible vulnerabilities in non-running or static source code by using methods like Data Flow Analysis and Taint Analysis. Ideally, security flaws would be found by such tools with a high level of confidence that what’s detected is really an error, but this not enough for many forms of application security flaws. Such tools, thus, often function as aids for analysts to help them determine security relevant parts of code so that they can detect errors more effectively.
Some tools are beginning to shift to the IDE or Integrated Development Environment. For the kinds of issues that can be determined during the development phase of software, this is a powerful stage in the development lifecycle. Using such tools gives the developer instant feedback on problems possibly introduced into the code during the development of code. This instant feedback is beneficial compared to detecting weaknesses later on in the development cycle.
Example of Static Source Code Analysis findings
Benefits of Source Code Security Assessment to Businesses – Greater Security
Business security today focuses on the application level. Security efforts have been successful in protecting the business perimeter, but people with malicious intention have focused on enterprise applications to continue their attacks. Hackers take advantage of errors in software or use embedded code to control company computers and access customer records and classified data. Static Code Analysis is among the security tools that can be used to determine malicious code and flaws in applications before they’re used or procured. Most SCA tools, however, are just partially beneficial as they focus on source code that’s often not available for testing.
With the complexity of applications today, Code Reviews often use automated tools to determine vulnerabilities. These tools significantly lessen the time it takes to assess intricate codes and detect problems that need to be prioritized. Source Code Security Assessment aims to reveal and eliminate issues such as uninitialized variables, invalid pointer references and buffer overruns.
Source Code Security Assessment in the Cloud
Security issues should be eliminated as soon as possible in the development cycle. Source Code Security Assessment in the cloud using advanced AI-Powered algorithms will determine the exact location of the weakness and suggest the best way to address it. All suggestions and discoveries are meticulously assessed by experienced and skilled penetration testers so that you obtain the full coverage of the security flaws.
Ensure the security of web applications with LEAN SECURITY’s static or source code analysis. Our source code assessment will detect all security vulnerabilities and suggest a course of action to address them. Our highly skilled penetration testers assess these suggestions for you to obtain full security coverage.
Analyse your application for the security issues and fix them as soon as possible in the development process. The service will allow you to perform one off assessment of the source code.
Highlights: 21 languages supported, up to 500,000 LoC, Compliance Reporting, Open Source code analysis, False Positive removal