5 Little-Known Facts That Can Affect Web Application Security

Business applications that hold sensitive information related to business processes and customers are prone to malicious hackers and viruses. Incorporating cost-effective security measures is a must in order to protect this important information and prevent data stealing attacks. If businesses fail to take the necessary web security test measures, they will lose the trust of customers and experience significant losses.

Hackers can use various methods to breach security such as denial of service, SQL injection, cross site scripting and buffer overflow. Vulnerabilities are often used during attacks because it’s easier for hackers to take advantage of these weak aspects. Here are 5 little-known facts that can affect web application security.

1.       99 percent of computers have Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader or Oracle Flash, making them susceptible to exploit kits due to the high level of vulnerabilities present in these types of software. It only takes one click on an infected ad banner to provide a hacker with complete access to the computer. Keeping the software updated or installing a solution that automatically updates the software can be done to protect your computer and sensitive information.

2.       Hackers love social media. People spend a lot of time on social networking sites and tend to click links posted by their friends. Hackers take advantage of this fact.  Some of the most common attacks directed at social media sites are phishing where the hacker tries to get sensitive information such as passwords, credit card info and usernames by posing as a trustworthy entity in a Tweet or Facebook post and social spam that can appear in various forms like malicious links, bulk messages, false reviews and fake friends.

3.       Social engineering is the psychological manipulation of a person into revealing sensitive information or doing actions. It is the favorite way of cyber attackers to manipulate victims and gather information, gain access to systems and commit fraud. Don’t give away sensitive data to strangers or click any malicious links. 

4.       Governments are creating malware and using it in espionage programs or as digital weapons. The malware created by the government makes you more vulnerable to security attacks as it speeds up the development of criminal malware. Cyber attackers do a lot of reverse engineering on malware created by the government and use its technical approach and tactics to develop their own malware. Governments are also trying to restrain people’s right to encrypt sensitive data for the sake of protection against terrorists and cyber criminals. Cyber policies, however, do more harm than good. Learning more about cyber security and keeping tabs on the latest news in the industry is one way of protecting yourself. You can also install an AV solution and a corresponding solution that can boost your protection against security threats and attacks.

5.       Hacktivism is the mutinous use of computer networks and computers to endorse a political agenda. Its ends are often associated with human rights or free speech. The term may have a positive note, but it actually depends on the one using it. Hacktivism can be a vague anti-systemic movement or a politically driven technology hack. It can indicate anti-spam activists or political protest and is the main factor that drives cyber-attacks.

A web security test can confirm if the security processes in the organization comply with the rules and are efficient enough to fight attacks. It ensures that the vulnerabilities are exposed so that these weak aspects are addressed efficiently and accordingly. Web security testing can expose vulnerability to URL redirection, installation path disclosure, cookie manipulation, PHP code injection, file inclusion, SQL injection, Net exception, command execution and script language error. This process helps organizations ensure that their critical processes and sensitive information are safe from malicious hackers and viruses.