What To Consider When IoT Security Testing

Perhaps a couple of decades ago, we would have thought of IoT as a far-fetched dream that could potentially be actualized in the future. But now that IoT technology is at our disposal, we need to make sure that it’s only used for good.

As technology and its use advances, crimes have also risen. This is why security procedures like web security assessment and testing are important.

If you’re getting closer to the launch of your IoT product, it’s imperative to make sure that its users will be secure. The best way to ascertain this is to partner with a reputed penetration testing service provider and proceed with IoT security testing—only deeming the application ready to be released when you’re sure that it’s as safe as can be.

When proceeding with IoT security testing, keep these factors in mind:

Familiarize Yourself With Every New Endpoint

Each new endpoint that gets added to a system brings with it a whole new set of vulnerabilities. Since these applications are developed across a wide range of open-source systems with varying computing power range and storage capacity, it is imperative that all the new endpoints are recorded as assets in the main device inventory.

Each item on this inventory then gets evaluated for security and performance with the respective and required procedures. An additional system that keeps track of everything that is added to or removed from the inventory would also be helpful.

Assess The Way Devices Communicate With One Another

The way different devices communicate with one another and share data is at the very core of IoT. Since there is a substantial amount of data transfer taking place, it’s necessary to ensure that the communication methods these devices use are safe and the data being transferred is fully encrypted.

In case of a breach in the middle of the communication process, the relevant departments should be alerted immediately as a countermeasure so that the issue can be dealt with as quickly as possible. 

Regularly Load-Check The Device

Since IoT is largely the transfer of data between different devices in a network, there is a chance of occasional spikes in the data load. If the system isn't equipped to handle the load, it can negatively affect functioning and compromise security.

To make sure this doesn’t occur, regularly load-check the network. To ensure security in case of high data loads, you can also use penetration testing to identify any loopholes and further secure the network.

Looking for a penetration testing provider? Get in touch with our team at Lean Security! As a leading security provider, we offer different types of penetration testing services. You can also reach us via email at info@leansecurity.com.au.