A slight flaw in your network’s security can cost you huge sums of money and damage your reputation in the eyes of your clients. However, by improving your vulnerability scans, you can keep yourself and your customers safe from cyber criminals. This blog post will explain how you can improve your cyber security scans.
Understand Your Needs
Before you start with vulnerability scans or penetrations tests, it’s very important to understand the needs of your business security network. You should be able to decide whether you want to opt for
authenticated scans or non-authenticated scans. Similarly, you should also make a list of your network hosts, databases, and relevant mobile and web applications that may require scanning.
Levels of Scan
You must be aware that there are different user level roles in a network. These include basic roles, managerial roles, administrative positions, and others.
For vulnerability scans, you have to choose the levels of scanning. Cybersecurity experts suggest that you should at least opt for scanning at the administrative levels to identify the maximum number of flaws. The more you scan, the better your chances of identifying potential threats to your network.
Start with Fewer Systems
Before you perform vulnerability scans across your business network, it’s better to start with some systems. Once you are certain that your vulnerability scans are effective and free from any potential issues, you can perform the scan throughout your network. Sometimes, scanning can lead to certain problems such as locking your accounts, loss of data, increased disk consumption, etc. To avoid such problems, experts always start with performing a test vulnerability scan on a few systems. They only proceed to your business network once they’ve evaluated the potential side-effects of the scan.
Set up User Accounts Before Scanning
It’s better to set up multiple user accounts before performing a vulnerability scan on your network. While doing so isn’t mandatory, it can help you save time. It allows the scanner to easily log in without being asked to change the password. However, if you don’t do so, then you’ll have to input passwords manually, slowing down the process.
At Lean Security, we are providing automated scanning services that are fast, reliable and extremely helpful in enhancing your cyber security. Our clients can choose from both authenticated and unauthenticated assessments, depending on their needs. We offer web application penetration testing and external network penetration testing, among our other services.