The General Data Protection Regulation contains details regarding the protection of data within a region. The act will replace the national data protection laws within the region.
The goal is to enhance the trust that customers have in online services and create a legally secure environment for businesses.
Australian Privacy Act 1988
In the past, certain Australian companies were offered coverage by the Australian Privacy act. These companies will need to comply with certain rules of GDPR like having a presence in one of the companies, which are a part of the European Union.
All the information that the company provides needs to be genuine and transparent. Both of these acts require businesses to ensure that they comply with the rules that have been set up regarding privacy.
Considering the similarities between the two acts, it might not be tough for businesses to adjust their practices according to the GDPR.
What comes under GDPR?
All the data processing activities that companies engage in come under GDPR. If the company has a presence in the European Union, it will need to make sure all of the data that has been processed comes under GDPR, even if the data has not necessarily been processed in the region.
Businesses that receive coverage from GDPR but are not active in the European Union will have to appoint an individual who represents the firm in the European Union. The person appointed also needs to be a resident of the European Union.
All the data of the people within the region comes under the GDPR. In this act, additional protection is offered to the data, which has personal categories. These include:
· Race
· Political beliefs
· Religion
· Membership to the trade union
New Requirements
Some of the new requirements that are a part of GDPR include:
Governance And Accountability
The law requires the companies to undertake adequate measures to protect the rights and freedom of all the people who are customers of the business. The policies need to be designed in such a way that they minimize the need to process the data.
In addition to that, the companies need to maintain transparency while processing personal data of their customers. They should also allow the person to monitor the processing of data.
The act also requires companies to take measures to ensure that all of the data of the customers stay safe. Businesses can do so by seeking assistance from companies that offer penetration testing service and conduct network vulnerability assessment.
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