Protecting Your Network Perimeter: Life on the Edge

Your perimeter security is the first and foremost layer of defense in your network, which is why it’s of the utmost importance to step back and review its design very carefully. The obvious step that you will need to take when it comes to ensuring a sound architecture, is determining what needs to be protected and then designing your network perimeter security in such a way that it can easily adapt according to your needs as they grow or change.

To make this easier to understand, think of your website’s network perimeter like a castle. The building normally has a majority of defenses attached to it; such as a moat, huge and daunting gate, high walls, guards etc. Similarly, your website should possess multiple layers of defense.

What one has to understand is that in order to come up with a great defense strategy; it is necessary to determine where the perimeter lies and the technologies involved. Simply put, the perimeter is the boundary of your website’s network, i.e. the gateway where all essential data and information flows in and out from other networks, not excluding the internet.

Perimeter defense and security acts exactly like a checkpoint does, i.e. it allows data that has been authorized to enter without any problem while blocking traffic that is suspicious. How does it achieve that?

Through Border Routers

The first layer of defense against unauthorized and suspicious online traffic, network routers work just like traffic cops and direct data into, within and out of networks.

A special kind of router, it stands vigilant between your network and the internet or any other external network. Installing this line of defense is probably a wise idea as all internet traffic and activity necessarily pass through the border router, hence making it a logical place for filtering anything that comes or go outs.

Through Firewalls

The basic job of a firewall is to stop or permit data from coming into or out of the network. For achieving the purpose of perimeter defense and security; software is widely available either installed as a router or as a standalone device.

The services that a firewall can provide to your website’s network security are many. Such a software or device can analyze all transactions to make sure that inbound packets were asked for. It can also block data from IP addresses and ports that have been specified and last but not the least, a firewall ensures a network address translation feature.

Through VPNs

A VPN or virtual private network provides perimeter security to your website’s network by putting it into a simple code or encrypted data that is sent between remote users and your business network, over the internet. To understand this more easily, VPNs create a kind of private tunnel through the internet.

This technology is very popular amongst enterprises and business of all sizes and should particularly help you in the pursuit of creating a secure and safe network for your online business.

Through Intrusion Detection Systems

Installing such a system will protect your website’s network, by analyzing ingoing and outgoing traffic and detecting suspicious activity. Due to this system, your website’s network administrator will be immediately notified of any suspicious activity in the event of anything unusual being detected.

This will ensure that the right people can take prompt action to stop an unwanted invasion into the network. Lean Security, a managed web hosting service provider in Australia offers products and software which are not only effective in providing just what you want in terms of security, but are also best suited to your budget, so contact us now!