Cloud Security

Controlling Security Risks in Cloud

Controlling Security Risks in Cloud

The world is observing a definite trend Shift as businesses have started moving over to cloud with their data as well as their services. The cloud-computing sector is observing an explosive growth as numerous cloud computing service providers are springing up. As it happened with most technologies in the past, opinions got divided on merit. While most of the analysts deem cloud computing a revolutionary change, a few of them are worried about the control of security risks in cloud.

The Evolution of E-Commerce amidst Rising Security Concerns

The Evolution of E-Commerce amidst Rising Security Concerns

The many competitive advantages of ecommerce cannot be taken lightly. Offering online business and consumers alike a far improved productivity, significant reduction in costs, access and entry into a global business market, ability to provide a much improved customer service and streamlining business processes; are all reasons for brick and mortar businesses to open up their virtual shop.

Being on Cloud and Staying Updated and Secure

Being on Cloud and Staying Updated and Secure

Cloud computing is normally defined as computing that is Internet-based. It is basically a huge network of computers where data and other resources that need to be shared like software and applications are made available to numerous systems. Nowadays, cloud computing is one of the most sought technological advancements due to its immensely flexible functioning nature. Cloud has demonstrated to be very efficient and effective for businesses in the past few years and it is still growing incredibly fast.

Get your Business into the Cloud

Get your Business into the Cloud

Cloud computing has a lot advantages for your company. Simply put, it provides you with a better way to run your business, although it does represent a huge change for your business. In any company, there are established practices and culture. When you implement something like cloud technology, it means that you will have to make many adjustments, significant ones at that.

Tips To Ensure Cloud Security

Tips To Ensure Cloud Security

Some people still hesitate to use cloud-based software but it is the need of the 21st century. It has already revolutionised the way business is done. While security threat is present in any kind of software, the cloud is not devoid of it. For users, here are some tips to ensure security while using cloud computing and making your experience a smooth one.

Top Cloud Computing Apps

Top Cloud Computing Apps

Cloud computing has changed the way business is done and this is facilitated by different apps which are based on the concept of cloud computing. These apps and services allow better integration, file sharing, and accessibility, which are crucial to business success in this age. Which are the tops apps, which have conquered the cloud arena and facilitated business processes the most? Read to find out.

Amazon AWS Security Risks

Amazon AWS Security Risks

Amazon AWS provides a great opportunity for the companies to reduce the costs in their IT infrastructure and increase the speed they can release their products to the market.