DDoS attacks

How to Protect Your Business from DDoS Attacks

How to Protect Your Business from DDoS Attacks

DDoS protection basically refers to a succession of actions that endeavor to protect the network against potential DDoS attacks. Many people ask why it is important to have the network protected against DDoS attacks. This is a common question because most people are not aware of the risks and possible damages associated with DDoS attacks. DDoS protection plans can only be appreciated by people who are conscious of the destruction caused by such attacks.

How Are You Shielding Your Business Against the Threats Related to Web Applications?

How Are You Shielding Your Business Against the Threats Related to Web Applications?

Web applications have been in trend for a while now and they keep on advancing. They have perhaps penetrated all the crucial segments of our daily lives that include our corporate and business world as well. Business applications related to accounting, customer relationship Management, collaboration, Enterprise Resource Management, online banking, content management, E-commerce are now all made available on the Internet. Web Applications have played a vital role in increasing speed and accessibility to all kinds of business information for an enterprise’s clients, partners and employees. They have also assisted in allowing savings. Today, not only have most things shifted to the web but almost all of them host a business’ most sensitive and valuable data.

Amazon AWS Security Risks

Amazon AWS Security Risks

Amazon AWS provides a great opportunity for the companies to reduce the costs in their IT infrastructure and increase the speed they can release their products to the market.