web application security

9 Things Everyone Should Know about Website Security Scans and Why They are a Must for All Serious Webmaster

Website security is a major concern of many website owners all over the world these days. It is not important to know and identify the framework used but you have to still maintain the web application including the server so as to avoid intrusions. Identity thieves and hackers may attack your site in order to get access to your confidential data and files plus to be able to use the server to send abused mails as well as to host a malicious file. In order to prevent such attacks, you have to keep in mind the following things associated with web security scan...

5 Little-Known Facts That Can Affect Web Application Security

Business applications that hold sensitive information related to business processes and customers are prone to malicious hackers and viruses. Incorporating cost-effective security measures is a must in order to protect this important information and prevent data stealing attacks. If businesses fail to take the necessary web security test measures, they will lose the trust of customers and experience significant losses. 

What makes Penetration Testing Different than Vulnerability Assessment?

If you are a security professional, you are most definitely familiar with what vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are. These two are types of vulnerability testing in order to complete a vulnerability analysis. Both are valuable tools for information security and are integral components of the process of managing threat and vulnerability of network systems. 

Analysing vulnerability scanning reports

Analysing vulnerability scanning reports

The success of an enterprise wide vulnerability assessment program depends on many factors such as planning, budgeting, resources, technical solution and others, but the most important is the ability to analyse vulnerability scanning reports. Properly identified and categorised vulnerabilities will help organisations to get the most benefit from the program and achieve more Return on Investment. This article will cover some of the points to consider when analysing network and web application reports.